Story Mapping by Sergio Schüler
This template is perfect for product teams to flash out a feature idea.
After the idea is clear, you can define the assumptions that need to be true for the idea to work. And, finally, you prioritize those assumptions for working on de-risking them.
How to use the template:
Step 1: identify the key actors
Step 2: map out the steps
Step 3: use the story map to generate assumptions
Step 4: evaluate assumptions on importance vs evidence
Instructions for each step can be found in the template.
This template was created by Sergio Schüler.
Get started with this template right now.
Customer Journey Map Template
Works best for:
Ideation, Mapping, Product Management
A customer journey map (CJM) is a visual representation of your customer’s experience. It allows you to capture the path that a customer follows when they buy a product, sign up for a service, or otherwise interact with your site. Most maps include a specific persona, outlines their customer experience from beginning to end, and captures the potential emotional highs and lows of interacting with the product or service. Use this template to easily create customer journey maps for projects of all kinds.
Behavior Design Mapping (Journey)
Works best for:
Customer Journey Map
This map is a behavior micro-journey and should be feeding from a higher level map.
Experience Map
Works best for:
Customer Journey Map
Experience mapping looks at your customer’s end to end experience with your brand to identify areas ripe for improvement and innovation.
User Journey Map
Works best for:
Customer Journey Map
A template to help you get started with building simple user journey maps.
The Customer Journey
Works best for:
Customer Journey Map
A customer journey map is a visual overview of how users experience your products or business across multiple touchpoints.
Customer Touchpoint Map Template
Works best for:
Desk Research, Product Management, Mapping
To attract and keep loyal customers, you have to truly start to understand them—their pain point, wants, and needs. A customer touchpoint map helps you gain that understanding by visualizing the path your customers follow, from signing up for a service, to using your site, to buying your product. And because no two customers are exactly alike, a CJM lets you plot out multiple pathways through your product. Soon you’ll be able to anticipate those pathways and satisfy your customers at every step.